Alchemical Healing

In an alchemical healing session, Dee leads clients on a deep journey that explores the root causes of many of our unexplained mental, physical, emotional, energetic or spiritual disturbances.

These are shamanic journeys in which you will travel into different realms of multi-dimensional consciousness. Drawing upon her 15 year career as a trained high priestess, Dee relies heavily on the Ancient Egyptian Mystic system, however she also weaves in medical Qi Gong techniques that use the vibration of her body to boost your life force energy (qi) and to breakdown any blocks to its healthy flow. In this session your organs, chakras and meridians will be worked on from a spiritual, emotional and energetic standpoint, and Dee often channels the plant, mineral and elemental kingdoms to further support their purification.

During these 1.5 hour sessions, Dee creates a safe, sacred space in which you will connect with your team of Spirit Guides, including those from your ancestral lineage, the ancient Egyptian Neteru (spiritual deities) or your family of light. In this way, you are able to release and heal trauma not just from this lifetime, and from your genetic DNA, but also past lifetimes our spiritual DNA as well. The work can be done in person but is just as effective performed in a remote session, as the work is quantum, existing outside our typical space-time 3D realm. You will lie comfortably on a bed or couch with your eyes closed and you will experience either an alpha or theta wave state of awareness while the work is being done.